
Sydney Zinesters Unincorporated (SydZU) was formed in November 2021. It is run by two zinesters from Sydney, Kate & B.

When you write a piece of writing, or you make a piece of art, chances are that if you want to publish it, you’ll have to pass a number of quality checks, which are done by a select number of people that can only publish a select number of things a year, so it’s highly competitive.

With zines the opposite is true. No one is out here telling you what you can or can’t publish as a zine. There are no rejection letters. If you want to write weird erotic fan fiction, or reviews of every brand of canned soup there is in excruciating detail, there is no one there to stop you. You are your own writer, editor, and publisher.

With zines you can do what you want, how you want, when you want. Entire creative control is in your hands, and there’s a great sense of joy and personal power in that.